My old Timeless Things (now called Timeless Me) blog ended in 2012 but you can still follow the newly updated Timeless Things by clicking here . I apologize for the posts not being in order by date but this is just a depository for the posts that were once on Timeless Things. **If you would like to leave a comment on any posts, the original comments link is no longer open but if you look below the original comments, you will see a post separation break line and another space is open that says 0 comments with the links to Gmail, Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest and it is here that it will allow you to leave a comment.** - Deanna

Friday, August 7, 2015


LAURASCOOP - A Blog That Will Have You Laughing

I visited a genuinely funny blog today by way of Bonnie's blog. I was laughing so hard that I kept having to wipe the tears from my eyes. My patient husband, bless his heart, was having to put up with my thunderous laughter. And as my family can attest, I can deliver a big belly laugh. Laura has a very sweet blog and her children are her everything. But hey, reality sets in and things don't always go the way we planned, right Laura! Thank you so much for letting me place your blog on my favorites list. I can't wait to tune in for more ! And a big thank you to Bonnie for sharing Laura with us. 

For a great time go to LAURASCOOP. P.S. don't read it while your spouse is watching his favorite might get ...THE LOOK!!!! Ha ha ha ha!

Still laughing,

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