My old Timeless Things (now called Timeless Me) blog ended in 2012 but you can still follow the newly updated Timeless Things by clicking here . I apologize for the posts not being in order by date but this is just a depository for the posts that were once on Timeless Things. **If you would like to leave a comment on any posts, the original comments link is no longer open but if you look below the original comments, you will see a post separation break line and another space is open that says 0 comments with the links to Gmail, Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest and it is here that it will allow you to leave a comment.** - Deanna

Friday, August 7, 2015


Deanna, Rest Your Eyes For Goodness Sakes!

Hi ladies! On doctors orders I will be away from my laptop for a couple of days. Since I do work on a computer at work he thought it best of lay off of it here at home. I will be back on Saturday and hopefully my eyes will feel less strained by then. 

By the way, please visit the December Days blog. I have a request for you all. 
Bonnie dear, I hope you are feeling better!

Deanna :P

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